Naa10P puts a brake on PGC1α and fat browning

Wang Q 123, Kajimura S. 123
Nat Struct Mol Biol.
Publication Date: 
Mon, 2019-09-16
1 UCSF Diabetes Center, San Francisco, CA, USA. 2 Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research, San Francisco, CA, USA. 3 Department of Cell and Tissue Biology, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Beige fat serves as a substantial metabolic sink that dissipates energy and has consequently attracted much attention as a target for improving metabolic health. A recent study has provided a new molecular target, the N-terminal acetyltransferase Naa10p, for harnessing beige-fat biogenesis and improving whole-body energy homeostasis.